Saturday, October 22, 2011

Military Research Money for Eye Trauma Caught in Cuts

Military research money for eye trauma caught in cuts
From USA Today

From our good friend Tom Zampieri at the BVA:

Some members of congress and a few committee staff on appropriations have decided to lump defense eye trauma research into general catagory of "other cuts!" Despite a hundred visits to various members of congress over the past five months, they went along with the cut, only one congressman, Jim Moran, (D Virginia) stood up and objected and said this is wrong!

Each of you please pick up the phone or send an email to your members of congress, both your senators, and the congressperson that represents you and demand they "increase eye trauma research within defense to not less than $5 million."  BVA had been asking for $10 million for six months, and was promised that, "Why of course, this is for our front line troops, anything at all we can do to help."

Everyone reading this I would point out that the military medical evacuation system is based on urgent to "Save Life, Limb, and Eye Sight!" Guess congress needs a reminder of that priority list.

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