What I do: Submit a transfer of schools request for my daughter under the Post 9/11 GI Bill (Sean transferred his benefits to her) late December 2010
What the VA does: Sits on request despite numerous calls/emails to expedite the process
What I do: Rejoice when they finally get the job done the first week of March
What the school does: Submit Erin's certificate of Eligibility on April 8, 2011
What the VA does: NOTHING
What I do: Call the VA in May to double check the status before classes start June 1st
What the VA does: Assures me everything is in order
What the VA does: DOES NOT deposit money for classes on June 1st
What I do: Repeatedly call and wait and wait and wait and wait and YELL at the automated voice recording telling me, "We are currently experiencing a large volume of calls, please remain on the line blah, blah, blah. . . "
What the VA does: Finally answers the phone on June 9th. Martha (Oh, how I despise you, Martha! A pox upon thee!!) tells me that the claim is "processing" and the money will be deposited in 2 or 3 days.
What the VA does: NOTHING
What I do: Call and call until I finally get past that incredibly annoying automated message.
What the VA does: This time, I speak to Julie who tells me the claim was cancelled in May (for no known reason) and Martha put in a request on June 9th to re-open the case and that can take 30 days!! 30 days? WTH are you people doing?? Anyway. . . She recommends I email HQ (no, she doesn't have a phone number where I can reach them. . . shocking) with a request for an immediate response due to financial hardship as tuition is a month past due and she needs her housing payment for rent. She also says, "Martha didn't tell you any of this?" "Nope." "She has worked here a long time and should know better than that." and my personal favorite: "'Processing' is what the VA says when they don't want to look into an issue." I KNEW IT!!!! She then tells me I should get a response from that email before the end of the day, and if not, I should send another stating that I am contacting my Senators and Representative for assistance. She says, "That always gets them."
What I do: Send the email and wait. . . .
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